
Praise the Lord.

 Why another site ToMountZion.com when so many Bible teaching sites are there?

The first time the Lord touched my life, He gave me a Vision as written in Jeremiah 31:3-14. In the vision I saw millions of people with me on the mountains praising and worshiping the Lord Jesus Christ. As we were worshiping Him, He was growing bigger and bigger. His one hand had the 'second coming' sign and his other hand was on his heart, pouring out His righteousness for us.

Although this vision was many years back, my life was like a roller coaster, sometimes up sometimes down. It was only in 2005 when I heard an audible message from the Lord and I totally surrendered my life to the Lord; after which my teaching process started. The way the Lord teaches me shook me and many around me, I used to wonder why? It was only after a few months - December end 2005 the Lord showed me the purpose of my calling and the reason I have been taught like this (Jeremiah 3:14-15).

The Lord wants me to teach His Word to the world the way it should be understood (the Internet being one of the fastest means therefore this site). The people that were shown to me; they were the souls that were saved, the harvest that the Lord has blessed me with.

Who am I?

I am just a humble servant of the Lord from India (Mumbai) on whom the good Lord has been merciful and gracious. Not very educated and capable by myself; the Lord kept me this way to bring out the best of me. All I want to do is just build the Lord's people in Him - rooted in His Word and His purpose.

Although I am young my natural age is irrelevant, what is relevant is my spiritual age. And with regards to how I look, you will know by the following scripture how the Lord looks at me.

Isaiah 65:17-25

17 "Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come